What The WOOOO!!!!! Is That All About?
Maybe it’s time to explain the WOOOO!!!!! I don’t know how successful this will be but here it goes…..

As a kid, I LOVED to watch pro-wrestling. Couldn’t get enough of it- even after the heart crushing realization that it was as “real” as Santa Claus. One wrestler in particular left me in awe every time he made an appearance. The “Nature Boy” character had it all, from the stylin’ robes to the Rock Star lifestyle, and naturally I wanted to be like that. His on air rants made him famous, holding the Title Belt and yelling things like, “To be the man, you have to beat the man!! I’m a jet flying, limousine riding, kiss stealing, son of a gun!!! WOOOOO!!!!!” Those were the things that appealed to me then but as I grew up (somewhat) I could see the real story behind the character.
The rants and sayings that he made famous only worked because of the confidence and dedication behind it. Flair wasn’t as big, strong, mean or talented as those he encountered in the ring. No, he was usually not even close, nor was he a fan “favorite” and most often played the part of the “heel”. One thing that he did have though was heart, and a lot of it. He strutted around, talked the smack and yelled WOOOO!!!!! every chance he got because, well, because he could. No matter the obstacle or opponent he always found a way to hold on to the belt and the few occasions that he did lose were rectified by a successful rematch within a few days. His character was loud, boisterous and super cocky- because he had the mental self confidence to compete with anybody. This WORKS for me.
Nothing about running is easy. Too many days it would be easy to skip or “mail it in” with a half-assed attempt. I use many tactics to motivate myself on these days and the WOOOO!!!!! is always part of it. I have shouted it in races for a few years now and you can count on it coming out in every trail run- because I like the way it echoes through the woods and off the hills. In the late miles of a marathon or an ultra it comes in handy too. The responses from other runners help take my mind off how miserable I feel right then. Of course it can make people wonder…. I threw out a very weak woooo!!! to a female runner on an out and back part of a marathon and she asked, “What the hell was that?” Too tired and embarrassed to explain I just kept on going hoping she didn’t think I was asking for a date.
WOOOO!!!!! is a mental state of mind. It says “I have kicked butt” or “You have kicked butt” or “I love it” or “Good for you” or “Nothing is going to stop me” or “Bring it on” or ………. you get it, right?
It can be used to brag on yourself, praise others, motivate those around you or throw down a challenge. WOOOO!!!!! has different meanings to everybody- but it is ALWAYS a positive thing- and THAT is what really defines it. Combine the WOOOO!!!!! with a multiplier of how many miles ran or a random message of motivation and it becomes…….. well, the same thing only multiplied by a number or message.
WOOOO!!!!! x2 …..life is good? Easier to explain. I am very fortunate in my life with a beautiful wife and two great kids, it just seems appropriate. Besides, life IS good, so why not say it twice?
WOOOO!!!!!! x2 ……life is good. Kind of catchy, isn’t it? Try it…… you’ll see.